About Us

Background of C_Net Group

Since the establishment of C_Net in 1992 in Japan, we have developed and improved the warehouse management system (WMS) to efficiently solve customer problems in every organization and error-free operation. As a result, we have been placed at No.1 in the market share in Japan for 11 consecutive years since 2011 and making us an important part of the logistics system.

Currently, we have developed a system to support supply chain control (SCM: Supply Chain Management), in which the system can present KPI (Key Performance Indicator) to enhance the ability to manage the Supply chain. And able to promote growth and business sustainability.



Group Company

Group Company

Message from CEO

     Due to the widespread of the new coronavirus, the business environment surrounding each of our C_Net Group companies has changed dramatically since March 2020. The impact of restraint and wait-and-see attitude became more pronounced in various aspects, such as our customers’ postponement of on-site startups and delays in the new introduction of projects. The new management structure, in which young employees create and promote businesses with their management mindset to pursue a longer-term vision of how to commit to the future of the entire group with a medium- to long-term vision, was quickly put to the test.

However, C_Net has been boldly accelerating its action reforms with an eye to the changing times.

We have strengthened our business development footing through drastic measures, such as further rejuvenating the management team and mid-level executives, strengthening mobility, integrating affiliated companies into a new office in Makuhari, Chiba, and launching new businesses with completely different business models from the past.

And now, society as a whole has recognized the need for behavioral change, and today, there is a common understanding that it must be established as the new normal. As the concrete demand for DX, or digital transformation, increases in various business fields, the C_Net Group’s core competence of “Brighter Future through Logistics x IT” is now even more in line with the needs of society and is required in practical terms.

The C_Net Group is united in its commitment to this mission, to deliver the benefits of DX, or the use of IT to improve efficiency at as many workplaces as possible and to become a strong partner in improving operations and reforming work styles under the new normal.

Mr.Nobuhiko Onozaki

Chief Exective Officer
C_Net Group Co.,Ltd. 2022